Monday, October 15, 2012

The Romney Eay

Let's don't forget...... The Republicans, for the past 2 years, made it their TOP PRIORITY, to deny Barack Obama a second term.
 They say so in the first 7 seconds of this video and they smile and are proud of it. Our TOP PRIORITY for the next 2 years is, to deny Barack Obama a second term. TOP PRIORITY, to deny Barack Obama a second term. That's right, I said TOP PRIORITY, to deny Barack Obama a second term. 3 freaking times. You let that soak in a minute. You think about that when you sit down and pay your bills. You think about that when you pull up to the gas pump. You think about that when you go get groceries. Main Thing... You think about that: Our TOP PRIORITY for the next 2 years is, to deny Barack Obama a second term.

 Answer this: WHY wasn't the Republicans TOP PRIORITY, for the past 2 years, to help get this country back on track? Is this what we give them a salary to do? We pay them, with our tax money, to pout, cry, bitch and complain at what Obama is trying to do, instead of working out a reasonable solution to the problems facing this country. For the past 2 years the Republicans have not lifted a finger to do a damn thing in DC. Nothing. Except TOP PRIORITY, to deny Barack Obama a second term. They refused everything and anything from Obama, just to make sure he looks bad and doesn't get re-elected. Yet we still paid them, to do absolutely nothing. Nice work, if you can get it. Now, everyone says Mitt is the answer. BULLSHIT! PURE BULLSHIT.

 The table gets turned, if Mitt gets in, the Democrats sit on their hands and deny the Republicans anything. The Republicans are responsible for the state of this country today. ( i.e. G.W. Bush ) Now they want to be in charge again so they can run us further into the ground? Screw that. Mitt doesn't go into any details on how he will "save us". Because he doesn't know how to save us. Mitt wouldn't go into a deal as blind as the one he want's you to go into. That's the old Republican, wink wink nod nod bullshit. The old "Trust Me, I got this". Right.... just send them a signed blank check if you trust them so much.
 There is no difference between Republican Party and Democrat Party. NONE. Your vote for either party is shit. The end result will be same ole, same ole, and in four years, if Mitt doesn't get WW III started, you will be crying to get Mitt out. Until we get away from the two party failure, nothing is going to get any better. We just keep riding the Demo/Repub Merrie-Go-Round where the only thing that changes are the players and the tax increases.

 You might find that they are in line with your beliefs. Stop settling for the stats quo of Repub/Demo. They haven't made progress in this country in 30 years. We do good a couple years, then right back to shit land.
 Why keep doing the same stupid shit over and over again? If you are looking for a Miricle man.... guess what..... "it ain't Mitt Freaking Romney" with his magic under pants. Time for new ideas, because the dictatorship
 we call Democracy is flawed to death right now. Suppressing other parties is proof of it. Our Freedom is slipping away. Government is running our lives, and want's to run it even more.
 How many "wars" have we been in since WWII? Answer: NONE. Don't challenge me on it. Do some research. There has not been a Congressional Declaration Of War since WWII. The US sticks their nose in the middle east, for oil.
 The 2 "wars" Bush started, ........No WMD's in Iraq, No bin Laden in Afghanistan....... we keep a military presence in the middle east to protect our oil supply line. BLOOD FOR OIL!
 Romney says we stay in Afghanistan until our military leaders say we are done.... guess what.... we are never going to be done. Russia fought the Afghanistan military for 11 years and that was their Vietnam.
 Pakistan is backing Afghanistan with money and troops. You ever hear about the US doing bombing runs like we did in WWII or Vietnam? Hell no. Why? We don't want to win and leave. We want to guard the oil supply.
 Easier to move from Afghanistan to Saudi Arabia then from the US to Saudi Arabia. BLOOD FOR OIL.
 You let Romney gaffe on the Saudi's and watch the price go to $12.00 a gallon at the pump. He's offended every one else.... just a matter of time if he's elected.

 Obama has only spent 1 trillion more than Bush. That's bad right? Nope.
 Alan Greenspan: WE CAN ALWAYS PRINT MORE MONEY "We can pay the national debt any time".
 They did it for the Auto makers and AIG.... They printed up the money, and your taxes help give it back. Mitt will run up the tab even more. Count on it. The debt is a non-issue. We haven't backed our money on gold in the last 50 years. It's just paper, and as long as there is a Federal Reserve, they will print up what ever we need. Based on gold right now, the dollar is worth about 3 cents. Sweet huh......

 Alan Greenspan: Admits The Federal Reserve Is Above The Law & Answers To No One

 Who owns the Federal Reserve? Good question, because it is not owned by the Federal Government. and
 Ron Paul has been asking that question for years. Ron finally got a bill passed to audit the fed. Pretty sweet business huh. The Federal Reserve answers to no one, and they keep no audit records.
 They are supposed to be an organization of banks, for all we know they could be drug lords. Congress doesn't even know who all is involved in the Federal Reserve. Figure that out. You miss 5.00 on your taxes, and you are screwed,
 Federal reserve prints up a few billion, nobody says a word. Dictatorship.

 Remember when you go to vote, this isn't a super bowl game of red vs blue. You are hiring a person to lead the country. Not just firing the person currently in charge. And I'm Libertarian. I'm only taking up for Obama, because, the Republicans stacked the deck against him. I'll be voting Libertarian Gary Johnson.
 Does absolutely no good, what so ever, to replace bad with bad or bad with worse. And you remember one thing when you cast that vote: for the next 2 years our TOP PRIORITY, is to deny Barack Obama a second term, not get the country back to work, not to end the wars, not to balance the budget, not to fix Medicare....... TOP PRIORITY, is to deny Barack Obama a second term.

 I wouldn't piss on a Republican if he was on fire, and about to catch me on fire. All you straight line Republicans... I await your response. Flame me if you will, you better bring on FACTS when you do. Prove to me that any Republican tried to work with the President to accomplish anything, or don't come at all.

The Romney / Ryan Idea

Well I have not posted in awhile but I am back for good now! 

So heres what I got today fellow readers! Enjoy

    As many of you know Election Day is right around the corner. With the heat intensifying between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Now I am no politician but I do go thru and research all the information I post. 

Being nor Democrat or Republican thats right I am Independent about to change to Libertarian. I have not seen one solid reason as to why Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romney should become the next president of the United States of America....Now your probably saying if your Republican- Well hes WHITE and he is for the PEOPLE. My Friends I am SO SORRY he has you fooled.

The Ryan plan means MAJOR changes to Medicare. It would eliminate the Medicare guarantee and turn it into a voucher program. Studies have shown the Ryan plan would cost anyone under 55 years of age an additional $6,000 a year with a slow increase to $12,000 extra out of pocket in later years, and it moves eligibility for seniors to get Medicare from 65 to 67. Of course, he hasn't got a plan to get 20 million people back to work, to rob them of the $6000.
 And at minimum wage, 7.25 an hour, half of that check would be spent.

 ".....because the Ryan plan will literally lead to people dying"

There is the Romney/Ryan logic.... increase the cost, delay giving the benefits. That way, some will die before the government has to give you back any of YOUR money you already paid to Medicare.
 Along with the Republicrats plan to move the retirement age to 69, so many will die before ever getting any of the SSI money YOU paid in.
 But that's OK. Because while adding additional cost to health care, and working people till they die on the job, you get to pay the taxes for the rich, once Romney lets them off the hook.
 Ahhhhhhhh..... Romneyhood, such a sweet guy. All of this and more. What more could you ask for? Maybe a bullet in the head? Maybe if Romney could just line up everyone that is not in the 1% and kill us all now, he could live happily ever after in his kingdom. My only wish would be, to be first in line.

 So hurry everyone. Run out there and let's get Romney in office. We got to get that scary black man out now. I'd hate to miss my chance to pay more for something I'll never get to use. Or better yet, maybe we should all just give Romney's administration all of our paycheck and let them ration us a few cans of dog food each month.

 You have to be out of your freaking mind to think Romney/Ryan would be better than.... oh..... let's say Castro or Putin. You need to listen to what this piece of shit is saying, and research what it really means.
 The one thing Romney/Ryan is saying is, the Bush administration may have been the worst administration ever.... but we can top that.
 And don't forget the Republicrats TOP PRIORITY. The essential well being of the country means nothing. "OUR TOP PRIORITY FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS IS TO DENY OBAMA A SECOND TERM. To hell with fixing the countries problems.

 God forbid someone in office would actually want to improve the country. It's much more important to kill off the elderly and poor.

And he wants to kill Big Bird.... Romney is a joke. He wants to save 455 million that gets spent on PBS, each year. And they piss away 455 million in 2 days of the Afghanistan war. 3.6 Billion per month. Hell of a savings there. We need to do that Right Now. Gary Johnson has a better plan.... Let the children have Big Bird, and stop the freaking war. I suppose that makes too much sense. Not good to put a thinking man in office. Things might actually get accomplished.

 The U.S., Super Power of the world. BULL SHIT. If we were really so powerful, why after 10 years at war, haven't we stomped them asses and left? Same reason Russia couldn't do it. Scared of China..... Mitt's friends.