Monday, September 10, 2012

Something to Think About

America- Land of the FREE & Home of the BRAVE! 

 Or at least that is what they want us to think. To be more upfront and honest about it- AMERICA and all of its billions of citizens are NOT FREE.... The Democratic Government....Suppose to be FOR THE PEOPLE is not ANY MORE! 

As time trots on, they are censoring the people. You ask HOW? 

Example # 1 
 Your phone lines when your having a conversation- even with your next door neighbor are tapped into by Government officials.

That right there is taking away our FIRST AMENDMENT - Freedom of Speech 

Example # 2 

Controversial Subject - Abortion - Government wants to have the say whether or not you give up your child or not. That my friends is also AMENDMENT NUMBER 1. That is your choice as a PARENT. The US government should not have anything to say about your path chosen to take. 

Any one REMEMBER THE PATRIOT ACT- That President Bush signed in to Office?

Guess what NOT ONE AMERICAN VOTED ON THAT! Shocker Huh? 

Not for me its not - As Americans- when it comes down to the truth - American People have NO RIGHTS! 

Gun Control- Right to BEAR ARMS - Sooner or later that right will be taken away - because of our wonderful Government. So when it comes down to it in the future you wont even be able to protect your own family. There's another Constitutional Amendment being snatched from AMERICANS! 

Think about it- Soon it will all make sense ! 

I will leave you with this for now- no worries I will be back to write more!

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